BRING IT ON 2011!!

One of the things I hate about the ending of one year and the beginning of the next is all of the reflecting that undoubtedly takes place. Personally I prefer not to reflect; this is because it forces me to accept reality, which takes me away from the dream world we all know I like to live inJ. But nonetheless I have found myself in the past couple of weeks reflecting back.

Needless to say 2010 has been one heck of a year filled with significant ups and downs that has brought along with it a lot of self-discovery. I have learned many things this year and I just wanted to take a second to share what I have learned about myself, life and other random stuff in 2010:

  1. I am STRONGER, BRAVER and SMARTER than I think
  2. Sometimes the real world BLOWS!!
  3. I like to RUN and WORKOUT (I know! Crazy right!)
  4. Making RANDOM DANCE FLOORS with FRIENDS can make for a pretty INCREDIBLE NIGHT
  5. Dancing at weddings is MARVELOUS
  6. That it is OK to not know exactly WHO YOU ARE or WHAT YOU WANT as long as you are CONTINUALLY searching
  7. Playing cards at STARBUCKS…is SPLENDID
  8. That I was kinda a SNOB in high school and MISSED out knowing some pretty    UNBELIEVEABLE people! Fortunately I got a SECOND chance!
  9. FINDING friends who NOT ONLY ACCEPT you for who you are, but LOVE you BECAUSE of it is the most EXTRAORDINARY thing the WORLD has to OFFER.
  10. I NEED to have BETTER taste in MEN
  12. I am AMAZING
  13. When all else FAILS, call up MOMMA
  15. That I am FUNNY
  16. Boys are WAY CONFUSING
  18. That you can buy makeup that makes you look like you just had an orgasm! (Oh wait I just found this out, still blows my mind though)
  19. That when you LEARN to take the GOOD with the BAD…LIFE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL
  20. Sometimes REJECTION is a GOOD thing
  21. Putting YOURSELF out there can reap GREAT things…or it can SUCK
  22. Traveling to Kentucky for a Carrie Underwood concert with your Best Friends is AMAZING!
  23. Wine is DELICIOUS and Confidence is SEXY
  24. People aren’t always what they seem…which can be good or bad
  25. Sometimes it is OK to REGRET decisions you have made
  26. That I am a MEDICAL MIRACLE!!!
  27. My BEAUTIFUL sister is becoming just like me…world BRACE YOURSELF
  28. Sometimes you have to ADAPT your FAIRYTALE ending
  29. When someone says the word HOE…DO NOT ask “Did you say my name?”
  30. I have a serious STARBUCKS ADDICTION…help me!!
  31. That I have the BEST friends a girl could ask for and I’m not just saying’s TRUE, BE JEALOUS
  32. Playing SURVIVOR with your friends can be a BLAST
  33. Cute boys live in Mexico J
  34. Mono SUCKS
  35. My roomies are AWESOME
  36. UT is STUPID
  37. That being the bigger person is great and all, but getting revenge is sometimes very SWEET
  38. I officially hate SNOW
  39. Being SINGLE can be FUN
  40. That I have A LOT to OFFER and ONE DAY someone will REALIZE that and I WILL ROCK THEIR WORLD!!

There is so much more I learned in 2010 but this is all I can think of right now, but as other things come to me I will update and if you want to add to this list feel free.

Even though 2010 started off a little bumpy it has had a REMARKABLE ending.
BRING IT ON 2011!!!